E-mail: zxw@henu.edu.cn
2015.9-2019.7 河南大学,天然药物与免疫工程重点实验室,理学博士,导师:江智勇
2008.9-2011.7 河南大学,生命科学学院,理学硕士,导师:张骁
2013.02-至今 河南大学
河南省科学技术进步奖 二等奖,排名第二。2017
1. Yin, Y.; Zhao, X.*; Jiang, Z.*.Asymmetric Photocatalytic Synthesis of Enantioenriched Azaarene Derivatives. Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2022, 42, 1609-1625.
2. Guo, Z.; Chen, X.; Fang, H .; Zhao, X.*; Jiang, Z.* Divergent asymmetric synthesis of azaarene-functionalized cyclic alcohols through stereocontrolled Beckwith-Enholm cyclizations. . Sci China Chem. 2021, 6543-6550.
3. Yin, Y.; Zhao, X.*; Jiang, Z.* Advances in the Synthesis of Imine-Containing Azaarene Derivatives via Photoredox Catalysis. ChemCatChem. 2020, 12,4 4710-4489.
4. Zeng, G.; Li, Y.; Qiao, B; Zhao, X.*; Jiang, Z.*.Photoredox Asymmetric Catalytic Enantioconvergent Substitution of 3-chlorooxindoles. Chem. Commun. 2019,55, 11362-11365.
5. Qiu, S.; Lee, R.; Zhu, B.; Coote, M. L.; Zhao, X.;* Jiang, Z.* Highly Enantio- and Diastereoselective [4+2] cycloaddition of 5H-Oxazol-4-ones with N-Maleimides. J. Org. Chem. 2016, 81, 8061−8069.
6. Bu, L.; Li, J.; Yin, Y.; Qiao, B.; Chai, G.; Zhao, X.*; Jiang, Z.* Organocatalytic Asymmetric Cascade Aerobic Oxidation and Semipinacol Rearrangement Reaction: A Visible Light-Induced Approach to Access Chiral 2,2-Disubstituted Indolin-3-ones. Chem. Asian. J. 2018, .2018,13,2382-2387.
7. Zhang, G.; Yin, Y.; Zhao, X.;* Jiang, Z.* Organocatalytic Asymmetric Tandem Conjugate Addition−Protonation of Azlactones to N-Itaconimides. Synlett ,2017, 28, 1310−1314. (Invited Cluster).
8. Zhao, X.; Zhu, B.; Jiang, Z.* Acyclic Amino Acid-Based Bifunctional Chiral Tertiary Amines, Quaternary Ammoniums and Iminophosphoranes as Organocatalysts, Synlett, 2015, 26, 2216−2230. (Invited Account).
9. Zhao, X.; Shen, J. Jiang, Z.* Catalytic Asymmetric α-Sulfenylation: A New and Efficient Pathway to Access Chiral C-S Bonds, Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry, 2014, 11, 424−431.
10. Jiao, L.; Zhao, X.; Liu, H.; Ye, X.; Li, Y.; Jiang, Z.* Organocatalytic Asymmetric Conjugate Addition of Diaryloxazolidin-2,4-diones to Nitroolefins: An Efficient Approach to Chiral α-Aryl-α-Hydroxy Carboxylic Acids. Org. Chem. Front. 2016, 3, 470−474.